Our goal

To support the upbringing of vulnerable and at-risk children in Nepal, by providing for their daily living needs and meeting their right to education.

Meet the kids

Get involved

Choose to make an impact.

$10 buys a pair of school shoes
$40 supplies a child’s food for 1 month
$60 provides for a child’s schooling for 1 month

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Sponsorship Recognition Levels


$20 per month or $240 annually.

$240 is equivalent to providing a child with food or schooling for 6 months.


$40 per month or $480 annually.

$480 is equivalent to providing a child with food or schooling for 1 year.


$80 per month or $960 annually.

$960 is equivalent to providing a child with food and schooling for 1 year.


$2,500 per annum.

$2,500 is equivalent to covering a child’s total living costs in Noble House for 1 year.

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These businesses have done so much for Meg’s Children – find out how.