Get Involved
Meg’s Children is a registered charity and Deductible Gift Recipient, and all donations over $2 are tax deductible.
We are proud to say that 95 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to our children in Nepal.

$35 supplies a child’s food for a month

$60 provides schooling for a child for 1 month
Donate by Cheque / Money Order
Post to: Meg’s Children Trust
PO Box 5098
Lavington DC NSW 2708
Donate by Direct Deposit
Meg’s Children Trust
BSB: 112 879
Account number: 057217665
Donation Certificate
Make a donation then create your very own certificate!
Be the proud owner of a certificate showing your generous donation, or make a donation as a gift for a loved one and present them with a certificate.
Your certificate will be sent to the email address provided so you can print it to keep forever.
Please allow one week to receive your certificate.
Sponsorship Recognition Levels
Any donation equal to or greater than $240 per annum will allow the sponsor to be recognised under the following Sponsorship Recognition Levels.
$20 per month or $240 annually.
$240 is equivalent to providing a child with food or schooling for 6 months.
- Your name listed on the Meg’s Children website, with permission
- Personal invitation to all fundraising events
- Meg’s Children annual e-newsletter

$40 per month or $480 annually.
$480 is equivalent to providing a child with food or schooling for 1 year.
- Your name listed on the Meg’s Children website, with permission
- Personal invitation to all fundraising events
- Meg’s Children annual e-newsletter

$80 per month or $960 annually.
$960 is equivalent to providing a child with food and schooling for 1 year.
- Your name listed on the Meg’s Children website, with permission
- Personal invitation to all fundraising events
- Meg’s Children annual e-newsletter
- Opportunities to display your business name and logo as a minor sponsor on our website and at fundraising events

$2,500 per annum.
$2,500 is equivalent to covering a child’s total living costs in Noble House for 1 year.
- Your name listed on the Meg’s Children website, with permission
- Personal invitation to all fundraising events
- Meg’s Children annual e-newsletter
- Opportunities to display your business name and logo as a major sponsor on our website and at fundraising events

A little every month goes a long way. To become a regular sponsor, please contact us.

Download or print an information flyer about the Sponsorship Recognition Levels.
Host an event for Meg’s
You too can host an event in support of Meg’s to make a positive impact on the lives of Nepalese children.
Need some help organising? Contact us

Return and Earn
- Collect eligible bottles and cans
- Get your containers recycled by either:
- Taking them to 11 Catherine Crescent, Lavington
- Get your recycling picked up, call Lavington Depo on 0458 243 489
- Donate your earnings to Meg’s by providing this customer number: 2746
Please note: This offer can only be claimed at the Lavington Depo using the above number.

Leave a Legacy
Naming Meg’s Children Trust as a beneficiary in your Will, or including a gift in your Will can be the gift of a lifetime that changes the tragic reality faced by so many children.
Fill out this form or contact us directly to discuss this important decision.